On-line training for and with SMEs

On-line training for and with SMEs
On-line training for and with SMEs

Green HoMe organizes a series of webinars in collaboration with associated SMEs. Join!

To make a small contribution to overcome the very severe limitations imposed by the coronavirus emergency on the world of work, the Green HoMe Innovation Center for sustainable construction is planning a series of free webinars (seminars and workshops) as an information opportunity, training and online meetings.

The idea, very simple, is to pool the skills and experiences of the network of companies and researchers participating in the Green HoMe Hub to create a free and well-structured training program, easily accessible online.

The center and its staff provide a video conferencing platform, the support necessary for the speaker to organize the material and manage the online presentation and his own channels for the promotion of the training program.

The format is that of online seminars (webinar) of limited duration (30′-60′) e, typically, with a final space dedicated to questions and insights.

At the moment we have identified two lines formative, primarily intended for businesses and professionals e, partly, to technicians and public administration officials, which we would like to develop at least on a regular basis weekly.

One line is dedicated to transversal themes (for project management, access to incentives, the comunication, certification, industry trends, ecc.) typically developed by Polo staff, specialized researchers and consultants.

A second line is aimed at introducing more specific themes (for example, relating to particular technologies, materials or types of products/services) developed thanks to the skills and experience of associated companies.

While we are busy preparing the first webinars to exemplify the program we intend to create, we invite all members of the Polo – businesses and researchers – to contact us and propose topics that they could develop and/or are interested in.

For information and to participate in the program, write to formazione@greenhomescarl.it