Webinar Introduction to KNX

Webinar Introduction to KNX
Webinar Introduction to KNX

Tuesday 26 November, at 15.00, Free webinar introducing KNX.

Green HoMe organized for Tuesday 26 November, at ore 15.00, and webinar free, of about 40′, introduction to KNX, one of the world standards for building automation.

KNX was born over the years 90 in Europe and today counts more than 450 members and 80.000 certified operators (system integrator KNX) in the world. In Italy it is promoted by the association KNX Italy which recently accepted Green HoMe as a scientific partner.

The webinar will be introduced from prof. Luca Carni (Unical – DIMES), coordinator of the newly established KNX Laboratory associated with Polo Green HoMe, between the’ing. Alessio Vannuzzi (KNX Tutor) will present the main aims and concepts of the standard.

The webinar will also be an opportunity to illustrate the contents and methods of conducting the KNX certification course already scheduled from 16 al 20 December 2019 (WHO course sheet and registration procedures).

The online seminar is free and open to all interested parties, students, designers and installers, professionals and companies but, for organizational reasons, we ask you to notify us of your interest with an email to formazione@greenhomescarl.it

To access it will be sufficient to connect to the online platform webconference.unical.it/greenhome with a normal web browser and follow the instructions

Use: who you will find further indications for the connection. It is advisable to give it a try before starting the webinar
