“He loves Calabria”: essential tool for accessing the ERDF ESF+ Regional Programme 2021-2027

“He loves Calabria”: essential tool for accessing the ERDF ESF+ Regional Programme 2021-2027
“He loves Calabria”: essential tool for accessing the ERDF ESF+ Regional Programme 2021-2027

Useful support for monitoring enabling conditions for access to EU funds for the period 2021-2027

The regulatory framework relating to the programming cycle of European Union funds for the period 2021-2027 introduced the so-called essential requirements for access to funds. These requirements are concentrated on specific themes that concern the specific objectives of the ERDF ESF+ Regional Programme 2021-2027, aiming to create optimal contextual conditions for the implementation of policies and to facilitate the achievement of the desired results. Respect for essential requirements conditions the possibility of reimbursement of expenses incurred as part of some actions of the Regional Programme, for all operations connected to the respective topics of interest (rif. art. 15 of EU Regulation no. 2021/1060).

In this context, the Calabria Region, through the relevant Management Authorities, promoted and created a set of easy-to-consult work tools, a training section, an operational platform that allows, through a set of specific indicators the continuous monitoring of the enabling conditions. In this direction, the platform "He loves Calabria”, constitutes an integral part of the planning process 2021-2027 and represents the tool with which all stakeholders, internal and external to the Administration, will be directed to follow the standards defined within the governance model. The objective is to provide useful guidelines to direct the Departments in the procedures to be implemented for the purposes of maintaining the enabling conditions in full compliance with the planning and governance tools.

For more information you can consult the page dedicated.


