Community resilience: the notice of the Extended Partnership has been published “RETURN”

Community resilience: the notice of the Extended Partnership has been published “RETURN”
Community resilience: the notice of the Extended Partnership has been published “RETURN”

The University of Florence, as Spoke 7 of the partnership, published the notice “Communities’ resilience to risks: social, economic, legal and cultural dimensions”

RETURN (Multi-risk science for resilient communities under a changing climate) it is the extended partnership that aims to strengthen the research chains on environmental risks, natural and anthropogenic at national level and promote their participation in European and global strategic value chains. The particular, the partnership wants to contribute to strengthening key skills, technology and knowledge transfer, as well as Italian governance in disaster risk management, with the involvement of public administrations, stakeholders and private companies. The partnership is made up of 25 subjects between universities, National research bodies and private organizations and is financed by the European Union through NextGenerationEU and in particular by the PNRR – M4C2, Investment 1.3 managed by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

The objective of the partnership is to reach the universities, Public Research Bodies and other entities external to the RETURN Partnership interested in developing research projects to strengthen research chains on environmental risks, natural and anthropogenic at national level and promote their participation in European and global strategic value chains.

In particular the University of Florence, as Spoke 7 of the partnership, has published this invitation:

Spoke 7 – TS3 | Communities’ resilience to risks: social, economic, legal and cultural dimensions

With a total budget of 475.801,72€ (of which €220,000 destined for the South), the call finances industrial research projects, experimental development activities and feasibility studies presented, individually or jointly, by Micro, Small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises in the following topics:

  • Structural monitoring of cultural heritage: the financing ranges from a minimum of € 140.000 to a maximum of € 175.000;
  • Co-design and field implementation of sample surveys: the topic is reserved for the South and the financing ranges from a minimum of € 95.000 to a maximum of € 120.000;
  • Innovative tools and solutions for communication and education from a multi-risk perspective: the topic is reserved for the South and the financing ranges from a minimum of € 85.000 to a maximum of € 100.000;
  • Field application of participatory planning methodologies: the financing ranges from a minimum of € 60.000 to a maximum of € 75.000;
  • Transfer of “nudge” from the design phase to the field application phase: the financing ranges from a minimum of € 45.000 to a maximum of € 55.000.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 25 march 2024.

