Sustainable redevelopment in urban areas: the TOP FREE solution. Final project event.

Sustainable redevelopment in urban areas: the TOP FREE solution. Final project event.
Sustainable redevelopment in urban areas: the TOP FREE solution. Final project event.

19 October 2023, ore 09:30, University Club, University of Calabria, It makes (CS)

E’ scheduled for 19 October 2023 the final event of the project Short Chain Roofs and Hanging Gardens for the Redevelopment of Existing Buildings (TOP FREE), funded under the BY CALABRIA FESR-FSE 2014-2020, Axis I - Promotion of Research and Innovation, Specific objective 1.1, Action 1.1.5.

TOP FREE has set itself the objective of developing and disseminating an innovative green roof system throughout the area for the redevelopment of existing buildings, that is sustainable, economically advantageous, and that's it, therefore, with a short supply chain. For details on the project, see website dedicated.

Technical and non-technical stakeholders will participate in the event, as well as the most important representatives of the partnership to share research, activities and prospects.

The detailed program of the event, whose participation is free and open to all, is available at the following link.

In the context of TOP FREE, Green Home supported the partnership in technical activities relating to the sphere of management and dissemination of results, participating in the forefront of the organization of the final event.