Competitiveness of foreign and digital markets for SMEs

Competitiveness of foreign and digital markets for SMEs
Competitiveness of foreign and digital markets for SMEs

Public notice for the promotion of the regional production system and digitization processes

The Calabria Region has published a public notice for the financing of actions aimed at promoting the competitiveness of the regional production system, through support for digitization processes of micro and small enterprises.


  • foster the development of products and services, including digital ones, for national and international markets with the aim of implementing electronic and digital commerce tools;
  • support the integration between the technologies present in companies and the new online sales methods;
  • promote the use of digital marketing and digital marketing tools on foreign markets;
  • promote stable trade with foreign countries, also using web marketing tools through international or specific country-specific social media;
  • increase the visibility of companies through international marketplace channels.


SMEs can participate (with the following exclusions: companies operating in the fishery and aquaculture sector referred to in the regulation (CE) n. 104/2000 of the Council; companies operating in the primary production of agricultural products; companies operating in the sectors referred to in Art. 13 del Reg. 651/2014.) presenting projects for the adoption of one or more technological solutions and/or digital systems.


Projects for competitiveness on foreign and digital markets can be financed, with a total eligible cost of not less than EUR 10.000, involving one or more of the following actions:

  • promotional actions on target markets with the use of digital and social media marketing tools;
  • ecommerce (Creation and/or implementation of e-commerce sites; access to international online platforms);
  • counseling of a TEM (temporary export manager) the D-TEM (digital-temporary export manager).

The intensity of the aid that can be granted:
– in relation to eligible expenses for hardware equipment, licenses, know-how, ecc., in compliance with the art. 13 e 14 del Reg. 651/2014, it is even: al 60% of the expenditure deemed eligible in the case of Small Business and others 50% in the case of medium enterprises, within the maximum limit of euros 35.000;
– in relation to eligible expenses for consultancy, in compliance with article 18 of Reg. 651/2014, is equal to 50% of the expenditure deemed eligible, within the maximum limit of euros 15.000.


Applications may be submitted by 14/11/2022 al 05/12/2022 exclusively in telematic mode. An over the counter procedure is foreseen for the evaluation, based on the chronological order of receipt of applications.