From MISE Bonus for participation in trade fairs

From MISE Bonus for participation in trade fairs
From MISE Bonus for participation in trade fairs

Incentive valid from July to December 2022 for companies with operational headquarters in the national territory

The bonus liver, envisaged within the framework of the interventions outlined by decree-law of 17 maggio 2022 n. 50 (article 25-bis of the so-called. "Aid Decree"), converted with modifications, From law 15 July 2022, n. 91, published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic of 15 July 2022 n. 164, provides for a maximum that can be granted equal to 10.000 euro.

The bonus liver is payable in favor of companies with operational headquarters in the national territory for participation in international trade fairs organized in Italy between 16 July 2022 and the 31 December 2022.
Facilitation applications, presented by the legal representative of the company, they must be received exclusively by computer procedure from 9 September 2022. .

Eligible expenses:

  • rental of exhibition spaces,
  • expenses for setting up and cleaning the exhibition spaces,
  • expenses for the transport of specific samples used exclusively on the occasion of participation in trade fairs,
  • expenses for storage services for the necessary materials and products displayed,
  • expenses for the rental of audio-visual systems and various equipment and instruments,
  • expenses for the use of hostesses, stewards and interpreters to support company staff,
  • expenses for catering services for the supply of buffets within the exhibition space,
  • expenses for advertising activities, promotion and communication.

For more information, please visit page dedicated.