Voucher 3I per startup

Voucher 3I per startup
Voucher 3I per startup

Dal 15 June, MISE opens the window with vouchers for the patents of innovative start-ups

The “Voucher 3i – Investing in innovation” it is a benefit provided for in the so-called. “Growth Decree” and entirely dedicated to innovative startups which becomes operational with a Directorial Decree of 14 maggio 2020 of the Ministry of Economic Development and an overall allocation of 19,5 million euros for the three-year period 2019-2021.

The voucher finances the consultancy services necessary to enhance the innovation processes of innovative startups in Italy and abroad through the patent for industrial invention.
Consultancy services should be provided by industrial property consultants or lawyers, registered in specific lists prepared respectively by the Order of Industrial Property Consultants and by the National Bar Council.
The eligible services concern:

  • carrying out preventive prior art searches and verifying the patentability of the invention;
  • the drafting of the patent application and its filing with the Italian Patent and Trademark Office;
  • the filing of a national patent application abroad.

On the website of Invitalia S.p.a. all practical information for submitting applications will be published.
The text of the Decree of 14 maggio 2020 defines the characteristics of services and suppliers, the contents of the question, the methods of disbursement of the incentive.

Source and documents:

Directorial Decree 14 maggio 2020