Restart Business, Covid emergency info

Restart Business, Covid emergency info
Restart Business, Covid emergency info

Unioncamere launches RipartireImpresa, the business portal on the Coronavirus emergency

Unioncamere, in collaboration with InfoCamere, has created an online platform to help entrepreneurs navigate the tide of measures, national and regional, aimed at containing the spread of the virus.

Reachable at the address the portal allows a targeted search for rules adopted at central and local level and pays particular attention to economic support opportunities.

Navigation is simple and intuitive. By selecting the activity carried out and the region in which it is exercised, it is possible to view the measures of main interest:

  • Which businesses can remain open?
  • Which tax measures of the Cura Italia Decree can be accessed?
  • What assistance services are available and what support initiatives are the Chambers of Commerce taking?

The navigation by sectors allows you to obtain timely and concise information on various fundamental aspects of the legislation in force. In addition to the possibility of operating, indeed, the company will be able to quickly find out which access methods are permitted to the systems and work spaces, the company's cleaning and sanitization obligations, those relating to company organization or health surveillance of employees.

Source: Unioncamere press release