Call extensions due to Covid19

Call extensions due to Covid19
Call extensions due to Covid19

Call extensions and other deadlines for h4020, national and regional programs

They are numerous and concern European programmes, national and regional interventions for the extension or suspension of tenders and financial instruments motivated by the Coronavirus pandemic. Below is a list of them.

Extensions of European Calls and Programmes

Horizon 2020. Most of the deadlines initially set between March and April have been postponed:

  • Infrastructure Program extended from 17 March to 14 maggio 2020 the calls: h4020-INFRAIA-2020-1 (topics INFRAIA-02 to be INFRARED-03) – h4020-INFRAINNOV-2020-2 (topic INFRAINNOV-03 by INFRAINNOV-04) – h4020-INFRASUPP-2020-2 (topic INFRASUPP-02).
  • Health Program, Demographic Change and Wellbeing extended from 15 April 2020 al 4 June 2020 the deadlines of the Call “Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems”. Extended from 22 April 2020 al 18 June 2020 le scadenze per la Call “Better Digital transformation in Health and Care” e Call “Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care”.
  • Program SWAFS Science with and for Society scadenza posticipata al 23 April 2020.
  • CALL INNOSUP-01-2020 Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains – has been postponed since 2 April to 15 April.

Erasmus plus. The following action deadlines are postponed 2 e 3 of the Erasmus plus program:

  • ERASMUS PLUS – Action 2 from the 24 March to 23 April
  • ERASMUS PLUS – Action 3 from the 30 April to 7 Maggio
  • ERASMUS PLUS SPORT from the 2 April to 21 April 2020

Other European programs

  • Program BEFORE – pre-proposal deadline postponed to 6 May for the Section 1 et al 13 maggio 2020 by the Section 2.
  • European Solidarity Corps actions extended to 7 maggio 2020
  • CREATIVE EUROPE. The following calls are extended:
    • Cultural Heritage in Action extended to 27 April 2020;
    • Cultural Cooperation Projects in the Western Balkans extended to 28 April 2020;
    • Co-Creation and Co-Production scheme for the music extended to 30 April 2020;
    • Music education and learning extended to 30 April 2020;

Extensions of national tenders and programmes

  • MISE
    • Call for Drawings+4: extended to 22 April 2020
    • Call for valorisation programmes of patents through the financing of Proof of Concept projects (PoC) extended to 20 April 2020
    • Call for Brands+3 extended to 6 maggio 2020.

Extensions of Calls and Programs for the Calabria Region

The first suspension measure is related to:

  • Payment of installments and investment reporting terms, prepared by Fincalabra S.p.A., in its capacity as manager/implementator of the Funds and Notices of the Calabria Region with a suspension until 30 September 2020 per
    • payment of installments repayment of loans, expiring from 31 January 2020
    • terms for the realization of investments, for their completion and for the final reporting, provided for by the public notices and financial engineering tools of the Calabria region managed by Fincalabra.

The extensions apply to SMEs benefiting from the Financial Engineering Funds (PARTY, PRIVATE FOI), of the Single Fund for Employment and Growth (FIRE: Microcredit, Occupation, Landing), of the Investment contracts (PISL), of the Notices for Machinery and Plant, ICT, Internationalization, Turismo.

Furthermore, the Calabria Region has prepared with circular no. 98538 of the 05/03/2020 the suspension until 03 April 2020 (further extendable) from internships and training activities both in the classroom and on the job as part of the Public Notices relating to the Labor Department, Training and social policies of the Calabria Region..
