Referent: prof. Girolamo GIORDANO,
Body: University of Calabria – Department of Environmental Engineering (DIAm)
seat: via P. Bucci, 44A cube
- Tel: 0984 496694
- Web:/
High performance workstation for carrying out tasks
MAPSET-Lab brings together very broad skills on environmental issues, of the study of the Territory of Biotechnology and Process Engineering which are not limited to mere technological aspects but broaden its horizons, also including the legal and mathematical formalization aspects of the systems under study. The laboratory is divided into thematic sections in which specific skills are hosted and which can operate according to multidisciplinary dynamics to address specific research topics.
Among the main activities, this structure deals with the Chemical Foundations of Membrane Technologies, Urban Design, Geography Cesare Saibene, Catalysis and Industrial Chemistry, Applications of Physics and Mathematics to Engineering.