Referent: Prof. Giuseppe PASSARINO
Body: University of Calabria
seat: P.zza Vermicelli, Unical, It makes (Cs)
- Tel: 0984 49 4443 – 0984 49 4261
- Web: http://www.unical.it/portale/ateneo/amministrazione/staffrettore/lio/
Email: lio@unical.it
Liaison Office (LiO) is the Research and Technology Transfer Support Office of the University of Calabria. Established in 2003. Its mission is to support research of excellence and promote participation in Community Funding Programs, national and regional, support the transfer of research results, of products, of technologies and innovations in the business world.
The services provided by the LIO are listed below:
- Administrative support and funding search
- Design support
- Technology transfer activities
- Support for the protection of intellectual property.
- Start-up and Spin-off assistance
- Networking
- Communication
- Management of Research Grants and Degree Awards
- Advanced training in research and technology transfer
- Business incubation.