Laboratorio Smart-Lab

Laboratorio Smart-Lab
Laboratorio Smart-Lab


Referent: prof. Raffaele ZINNO

Body: University of Calabria – Department of Environmental Engineering (DIAm)

seat: Piazza Vermicelli, Unical


  • Tel: 0984 496920
  • Web:/


The instrumentation present is functional to the realization of static and dynamic load tests, tests on wood, masonry, mortars and concrete and has full-scale prototypes for experimentation activities.


Lo Smart Lab – Structural Monitoring, structural Advanced materials, structural Rehabilitation, structural Testing – LABoratory – deals with structural monitoring, mechanical characterization of wood, painted cementizie, composites, concretes and steels. Carry out design support, to structural analysis, to the tests and conducts tests and experiments on innovative structures, seismically safe and environmentally friendly. The main services, therefore they concern:

  • Design of structures subject to seismic actions;
  • Design of structures in innovative material;
  • Experiments on innovative materials (composites, fiber-reinforced or high-performance concrete, self-diagnosing, intelligent, etc.) and on structures made with them;
  • Experimentation on compositions of traditional materials (es. glass, wood, resins) for innovative applications.