Referent: prof. Giuseppe FORTUNATO
Body: University of Calabria – Department of Civil Engineering (DINCI
seat: via P. Bucci, Cube 39 B
- Tel: 0984 496936
- Web:/
- Email: giuseppe.fortunato@unical.it
- High performance graphics workstation
- Laser scanner
- Thermal imaging camera
The Architectural Design and Survey Laboratory is divided into two sections: Architectural and Technological Design Laboratory and Architectural Survey Laboratory. The laboratory takes care of: analysis for the basic knowledge of architectural complexes of historical-monumental importance; processing of images and video rendering from models; consultancy for architectural and urban design interventions (sez. A); Consultancy for the recovery of historic centers; elaboration of complex surveys (integration of acquisition techniques and methods of restitution for the documentation of the state of affairs of individual works and urban contexts and historical-critical knowledge, technique and material of the same works; Virtual tour; Thermographic investigations; High resolution photoplanes; High resolution interactive spherical images; historic building information modelling (HBIM); digitally generated virtual multi-dimensional models that allow you to deepen your architectural knowledge (sez. B); Acquisition through laser and / or photogrammetric techniques.