Referent: prof. Mario MAIOLO
Body: University of Calabria – Department of Environmental Engineering (DIAm)
seat: via P. Bucci, Cube 42B,
- Tel: 0984 496556
- Web:/
- Email: maiolo@unical.it
- PC and simulation and optimization software
- Life Cycle Assessment application software
- Software per Buiding Information Modeling (BIM)
The research group "Sustainable Management of Water Resources" within the laboratory deals with), sustainable management of water resources, water networks, quality of water bodies, river and maritime hydraulic infrastructures.
Thematic areas:
- High efficiency plant systems
- Recovery and reuse of waste
- Smart systems and monitoring systems
- Project EPSILON “Environmental Policy via Sustainability Indicators On a European wide NUTS III level” contratto n°IST 2001-32389 –Information Society Techologies (IS) Programme – European Commission – Directorate General Information Society.
- Project MED-ISOLAE –Code (A.1.159) Measure (1.3) Member State (Greece) ARCHIMED Transnational Program – NTERREG –INTERREG III B
- “origAMI: Original Advanced Metering Infrastructure” POR CALABRIA 2014-2020 (CUP J48C17000170006)
- “TEMAR: Techniques and devices for the analysis and assessment of the risk of pollution of bathing water " – BY CALABRIA 2014/2020 (CUP J68C17000150006)