Referent: prof. Alessio SICILIANO
Body: University of Calabria – Department of Environmental Engineering (DIAm)
seat: via P. Bucci, Cube 44B
- Tel: 0984 496537
- Web:/
Email: alessio.siciliano@unical.it
The Environmental Health Engineering laboratory is located on the fourth floor of cube 44B and is spread over an area of approximately 230 m2. It consists of premises for conducting experimental tests, for analytical determinations and construction of pilot plants.
The laboratory is equipped with analytical instruments, for the determination of chemical-physical and microbiological parameters on various environmental matrices, and equipment for performing kinetic tests and conducting biological and chemical-physical treatments on wastewater, land and biomass.
- Spectrophotometers with UV-VIS detectors
- GBC atomic absorption system with burner, graphite furnace and hydride generator for the determination of metals
- Kjeldahl apparatus for the determination of nitrogen compounds, in waters, wastewater and food
- HPLC JASCO liquid chromatography system with Uv-VIS detecor for the determination of organic and inorganic micropollutants
- Microwave digester for the mineralization of liquid and solid samples
- Ovens and muffles for drying liquid and solid samples
- Rotary evaporator equipped with thermostated bath with LCD control screen, capacitor, rotation speed control system and Water Chiller H50-500.
- Thermostatted systems for the determination of BOD
- Equipped chemical benches
- UFLC SHIMADZU Ultra-fast liquid chromatography system with Uv-VIS detecor, fluorymer and autosampler for the determination of organic and inorganic compounds-
- Suction hoods
- Hood for biochemical analyzes
- Bacterial culture incubators
- Cabinets for the conservation and storage of hazardous reagents
- Cabinets for the conservation and storage of pure gas cylinders and connection lines to analytical instrumentation
- Benchtop equipment for storing and preparing solid and liquid samples, for conducting experimental tests and carrying out chemical-physical analyzes (pH-meters, conductivity meters, agitators, balance, titrators, peristaltic pumps, digestors, counts colonies, optical microscope etc.)
The Environmental Sanitary Engineering laboratory carries out its activity mainly in the field of civil and industrial wastewater treatment, of the purification of natural waters, the energy enhancement of organic by-products, the remediation of landfills and contaminated sites and the study of pollution phenomena and the state of quality of surface and underground water bodies. The laboratory works in collaboration with other research centers (Aeneas, University of Reggio Calabria etc.), with public bodies (Arpacal, Province of Cosenza, Municipalities of the Province of Cosenza etc.) and private companies (Econet, GEKO, Grab, Ecosystem, BSV, Water and Sun, etc) to carry out basic and applied research activities. The results obtained in the context of experimental research have allowed the publication of numerous scientific articles in national and international journals and conference proceedings, as well as the filing of two patents on the treatment of highly polluting wastewater and contaminated water. The laboratory also supports the teaching activity carried out in the Bachelor's and Master's Degree courses in Environmental and Territory Engineering and PhD courses in Life Science, activated at the University of Calabria. At the laboratory, Numerous undergraduate and graduate theses are carried out annually on various issues relating to Environmental Health Engineering, as well as doctoral theses and internships in cooperation with companies operating in the environmental field.
Thematic areas:
- High efficiency plant processes and systems
- Recovery and reuse of waste
- Smart systems and monitoring systems
- Research agreement with ECONET srl, aimed at the development of innovative processes for the treatment of industrial and civil waste, as well as recovery, the reuse and enhancement of waste materials and secondary raw materials
- Research agreement with GEKO SpA on the evaluation of the functionality of the Purification Plant of the Valle Crati Consortium
- Research agreement with the company GRAM srl, for the development of an innovative EIOT platform and networks (Environment Internet Of Thing) based on Smart Meter for the analysis and detection of wastewater quality, civil and industrial, upstream and downstream of the Public Private purification circuits. as part of the POR Calabria Fesr-Fse 2014/2020.
- Research agreement with ACQUA E SOLE srl, for the development of a process for the recovery of the nutrient content present in the digestates produced in anaerobic digestion plants.
- PON_2007-2013 entitled MICROPERLA "Renewable Energy and Micro-Cogeneration Program for Agro-industry" code PON01_01840.
- PON_2007-2013 entitled "SILA - Integrated System of Environmental Laboratories" cod. PONa3_0034
- Patent for the advanced oxidation treatment of highly polluting wastewater. Patent No.: 0001385720 of the 31/01/2011.
- Deposit, in collaboration with Econet srl, of a patent for the removal of boron from natural and waste water. deposit 102017000088317 of the 01/08/2017.