Referent: prof. Patrizia PIRO
Body: University of Calabria – Department of Civil Engineering (DINCI)
seat: via P. Bucci, Cube 44B
- Tel: 0984 496546/47
- Web:ingegneriacivile.unical.it/liu
Email: patrizia.piro@unical.it
Within the LIU, studies on urban flooding are carried out, quality of rainwater and sewage and their environmental impact. The laboratory is equipped with highly technological instrumentation that allows to carry out research and experimentation activities through chemical analyzes and hydraulic characterization of the soils., as well as water quality analysis. The LIO is responsible for the management of the Urban Hydraulics Park of the University of Calabria, which has the following equipment: vegetated roof, permeable flooring, filter band, and a traditional type treatment unit, sedimentation tank, and a filtration unit; sophisticated system of monitoring and data acquisition in real time and continuously (climatic parameters, hydrological, hydraulic and thermo-physical).
As for the waters, the laboratory carries out analytical tests on:
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (IPA) by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection;
- Main Nutrients (nitrogen and nitrogen compounds, phosphor etc.) by UV-VIS spectrophotometry and by photometry;
- Suspended solids and chemical-physical parameters.
On the grounds, instead, analytical tests are carried out aimed at hydraulic characterization, in particular determination:
- Retention curve;
- Grain size curve
- Unsaturated conductivity;
- Saturated conductivity;
- pH;
- Electric conducibility;
- Organic substance and nutrients.
- PON01_02543 "Integrated and sustainable management service of the water-energy cycle in urban drainage systems"
- Materia project
PON 04a2_E "SINERGREEN-RES NOVAE Smart Energy Master for territorial energy management"